Coupler Knuckle is the key part of one of railroad’s most durable components: the standard coupler. Tedrail have ability to supply the knuckle by sand steel casted with following features:
Improved surface finish and solidification than those of AAR M-211 Specification.
Each Knuckle has been serialized for traceability in the production process.
100% magnetic particle inspected.
100% Hardness tested.
100% Dimension to be gauge.
Production strictly with AAR M-211 and AAR M-201.
Material AAR M-201 Grade E or Grade E+ could be provided.
The following Knuckles could normally be supplied for fast delivery.
AAR M-201 Grade E/E+
CouplerAAR Coupler
- Type E
- Type E/F
AAR M-201 M-205 M-211

- Material(AAR):
AAR M-201 Grade E/E+
CouplerAAR Coupler
- Type E
- Type E/F
AAR M-201 M-205 M-211
- Material(AAR):
AAR M-201 Grade E/E+
CouplerAAR Coupler
- Type F
- Type F Rotary
AAR M-201 M-205 M-211
- Material(AAR):
AAR M-201 Grade E/E+
Type:Australian Type
CouplerAustralian Coupler
SpecAAR M-201 M-205 M-211
Australian Type
- Material(AAR):
AAR M-201 Grade C/E/E+
CouplerSouth Africa Coupler SASKOP Type
- SS
- MS
- HS
AAR M-201 M-205